Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Now that the Memorial Day weekend has past. The summer schedule has officially begun. At work events tend to slow down, summer projects start to eat away at me, and vacation seems within reach.

I have been working a little harder on the upcoming Theater Program/Drama Club shows because we are producing some good portfolio shows. I have been working for years on productions that I did not need to produce extensive paperwork for. As the Scene Designer, TD, carpenter, painter, Lighting Designer, electrician, programmer, etc., I did not have to worry whether or not my original vision would be produced accurately. But now I am left with a lack of work to put with the photos from my shows. We are producing 'Pippin' and 'The Cherry Orchard' this coming fall. I feel these two shows could be great additions to my work since they are both well known titles, something that doesn't happen too often in a single semester. With my time this summer I plan to produce the normal paperwork as if I was not the all-in-one person hired. This way I can show future employers that I am capable of doing the job correctly. My hope is that I will be able to a design or two each year away from MVCC to keep a professional resume to go along my work at the school.

Summer projects always seem to creep up on you, but they seem to bring friends ever since we bought the house. This summer I have two projects that have been eating away at me. I finally put together the play set for Caroline which freed up the space for the new pool/storage shed. I have some design ideas already and I am looking forward to getting...oh wait...what's that over there. The back deck!!! It is falling apart. Right now Sarah and I are looking at what kind of money we can put into either of these two projects. The deck is bad and I wanted to install some new gates so Caroline can't get to the pool as easily, but I also wanted to put in that outdoor fireplace/chimney as well along with the deck. We'll just have to wait and see on those.

Ah, vacation. The week of no responsibilities (unless you include watching the little one, of course). No lawn mowing, no job worries (with no internet that becomes far easier), no home improvement projects, no cats jumping all over you, just fun in the sun and fireside antics. Good times. While I don't really do count downs, an informal one has begun.

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