Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Patting Myself on the Back

I had to come up with a quick and creative solution to a lighting problem yesterday. Our light board did not have enough unlocked/authorized channels to cover the large light plot we hung for the summer events. I was able to get he funds to unlock the necessary channels, but I found out at the end of the day that it may take a week or more to get the unlock codes! Not good.

I was steaming and thinking about the last time I upgraded a light board and how quick the request went through...WAIT! Eureka! The last board!

I starting hooking up our old light board. The people working with me looked at me like I was crazy. I had just received some adapters that were going to help me access more channels around the theater and I could use those to get half of my lighting to our old board. The two boards combined could handle the total channels needed to run the plot until I get the upgrade.

The first universe of DMX will run the conventional light fixtures and the LEDs. The second universe of DMX is freed up to run all the moving lights. It is a tight fit, but it is necessary until I can get the upgrade codes.

I need to get back to programing two light boards, but I am a little proud of myself for coming up with this solution so quickly.

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